7 Filmmaking blogs you should be reading

Vamify Felix

Posted on October 25 2018



Today we would like to introduce you to 7 highly relevant blogs concerning filmmaking and film business.

No matter if you are new to the business and in search of educational material or if you seek to improve your way around all sorts of techniques and handling of the newest equipment or if you are a seasoned filming addict, be sure to checkout the following blogs and websites! Because there is always something new and exiting to learn about our favourite subject: Filmmaking!

Lets start with our list in no particular order:


No Film School:

This Blog is a must visit on our list. It provides you with new articles and videos about everything film related you can think of on a daily basis. Be it business advice, new camera techniques or tutorials on how to set light. No Film School gathers its content from all over the internet so you do not have to go through the hassle of getting all the important information on your own. What are you waiting for? Check out whats new on https://nofilmschool.com/ now!


Vincent Laforet:

He is a professional Filmmaker and Photographer who loves his field of work and shares his wide experience about the film industry in his Blog http://blog.vincentlaforet.com/ . He does not update as often as some other sites do, but his (approximately monthly) posts possess outstanding quality and you can tell they are very deliberate. Something we really admire about him. He emanades sort of a wise down-to-earth mentor vibe.


Philip Bloom:

He is a british filmmaker with 27 Years of work experience of getting incredible shots with any camera. His name should ring a bell if You occupy Yourself with filmmaking. IF not, no worries, but you should check out his work, if you have not already heard about him. His special field is reviewing cameras. Therefore he tries every mean trick in the book to test the most popular cameras currently on market and put them through their paces. That said, You should always make sure to check out his website before spending money on your next camera. It will be worth your time, promised. URL: http://philipbloom.net/blog/


DSLR Guide

This young man is dedicated to filmmaking. He started his Website with reviews about filming gear. At the moment he is giving inspirational blogs about his motives for filmmaking. So if you need a reminder why filmmaking is still worth it after a gruesome day on set go see his heartfelt blogs filled with inspiration and motivation. Get there and feel what is so special about filmmaking again. URL: http://dslrguide.tv/blog/


Filmmaker IQ:

This side is a fun place. You can participate in online courses, ask questions and gain Trophies. They cover all things film related, from industry news to lighting setups and writing advice, you name it you will find it. There is a sector about filmmaking history if you want to take a deep dive into the film biz.
URL: https://filmmakeriq.com/



Premiumbeat is devided in 3 different categories. Honouring its name, first of all you can buy royalty free music there. But apart from that they provide You with sound effect packs and last but not least Premiumbeats possesses a Blog called “The Beat”, where you can find texts from filmmakers, writers and other film related professionals. Therefore the Website covers a wide spectrum of topics, which are mostly focused on post-production and the technical matters of a production. But like “Nofilmschool” they have got a News section as well. So as in “Nofilmschool” you should check out those two websites regularly so You are not missing out. URL: https://www.premiumbeat.com/blog


Music Bed Blog:

Is a well designed Blog not only about music but about film related articles. Its an easy to operate website where you can loose yourself in interesting and insightful articles or listen to lovely music sessions. If you like clean design and good writing this is Your spot! URL: https://blog.musicbed.com/

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